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Auguste Reymond

Logo (click to enlarge!)

Auguste Reymond is a Swiss watch manufacturer.

Auguste Reymond (1872-1946) (click to enlarge!)
Auguste Reymond (1872-1946)

The 27-year-old Auguste Reymond rented 1898 an apartment in Tramelan and began to manufacture a handful of watches with some watchmakers. From 1906, the company was renamed Auguste Reymond SA (or: ARSA). 1910, the company had grown into a manufacture with more than 100 employees and own buildings.1)

1926, the watch factory Unitas Watch Co. (Tramelan) was purchased and the factory building was specially converted for ebauche production. Unitas in 1932 joined the Ebauches SA, which later became the ASUAG and in 1980 attached itself to the SMH Group.

In the early 1950s the Auguste Reymond brand was known by two product lines the digital watches with “jumping hour” and the “Braille watches” for the visually impaired. To date, Auguste Reymond has remained famous for its Braille watches, which continue to be marketed under the old brand ARSA.

Also under the brand name ARSA, in the 1960s, inter alia, wristwatches with jumping central seconds were produced as model 'Spring Master', and also the wristalarm 'Alertic'. Later, Arsa specialized in quartz watches.

After Auguste Reymond, like almost all Swiss watch companies, had been hit hard by the quartz crisis, a restart happened in 1989. “Montres Nitella SA”, a different watch company in Tramelan and owned by the Loosli family, bought the brand and appointed Thomas Loosli, again also a young man of 27 years, as managing director. Loosli was trained in art history and French literature and had prior experience as a watch designer. He set himself the task to bring Auguste Reymond back to life with “good old” mechanical watches, and in almost two years he designed a completely new collection of mechanical watches.

Honesty and creativity are the two key terms of the company's philosophy. The models whose names are all inspired by jazz music, are designed correspondingly clear and catchy. With their movements by ETA they are positioned in an affordable to very low-price range.


Auguste Reymond SA
Rue de la Promenade 29
Case postale 136
CH-2720 Tramelan

Tel. +44 (0)32 / 487 42 46
Fax +44 (0)32 / 487 47 75

auguste_reymond.txt · Last modified: 03.07.2022 15:32 by

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